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立富集团(国际)有限公司 [百度一下]
公司地址:福建省 福州市鼓楼区五四路173号新华福广场A座4楼东侧
专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假员工旅游
立富石油(国际)有限公司是由立富集团(国际)有限公司和汇富集团(控股)有限公司共同控股,于2006年在香港成立。是一家集销售,仓储,运输为一体的香港地区一线船舶供油公司。主营业务:船舶燃料油FO500 CST、FO380 CST (RMG380)、FO180 CST (RME180),MGO(DMA)等各型号油品。公司拥有8艘港口作业的油轮(ABROSE 8、YUNKING、SKY DRAGON 1、GREAT ISLAND、CHI SHING28、CHI SHING18等)月供油能力达到10万吨。长期为国际航运公司和国内海运公司的船舶提供燃料油供应业务,并与国内外1000多艘船舶建立了良好供油关系。公司长期与香港中石化、埃克森美孚、加德士、BP等公司建立了稳定的供给协议,成为其重要的经销商,从创立至今,始终为国内外客户提供优质的成品油供给服务。经过数年的市场拓展,业务遍布中国工业发达的长三角、珠三角、京津唐环渤海地区及各大远洋国际航运公司。公司总部设在香港及内地的福建,并在广州、珠海、上海、平潭、大连、天津等10多个中国地区设立业务办事处,使公司在国内外形成了完善的销售网络,能快速、及时地提供客户所需的服务,为广大船舶加油提供便利。Lanrich Oil International Limited (Lanrich Oil) is jiontly controlled by Lanrich Group international Limited and Hyperwealth Holdings Limited.Since Established in 2006 in Hongkong, Lanrich Oil engages in trading, transportation, and storage of marine fuel oil. Lanrich Oil has stable agreement with SINOPEC、 exxon-mobil、 caltex、 bp and becomes their important partner. In Hongkong Lanrich Oil owns eight bunker barges (MV ABROSE 8、 MV YUNKING、 MV SKY DRAGON、 MV GREAT ISLAND、CHI SHING28、CHI SHING18 ETC.) . Relay on the bunker barges, Lanrich Oil provide over 100,000 mt marine oil (including FO500 CST、FO380 CST (RMG380)、FO180 CST (RME180),MGO(DMA)) per month to over 1000 international or domestic vessels. In a span of 8 years, Lanrich Oil has established its reputation as a service oriented company with broad knowledge of the bunkering business, particularly in the hongkong. Our head offices loacatd in Hongkong and fuzhou, also, we have over 10 representative offices in Guangzhou Zhuhai Shanghai Pingtan Dalian and Tianjin,we are able to offer different grades of marine fuel with competitive bunker prices in hongkong . Besides our specialized knowledge of physical bunker trading and deliveries, our team of professional bunker traders is dedicated to building and maintaining solid relationship with our customers. Through the combined efforts of our employees, Lanrich Oil consistently strives to create value for our customers . Our core competencies, coupled with our commitment to excellence, provide a strong foundation for delivering optimal service and support for all our customers. At Lanrich Oil, we strive to become the most reliable and competitive partners by fostering value based, customer focused, high commitment and high performance team of marine professionals.


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